Why Choose Maven?

Clinical Support


Maven Dental’s dedicated Clinical Team is led by Abano Healthcare Group's Clinical Director, Dr Fred Calavassy.

The Maven Dental Clinical Team work together to develop clinical best practice and are on hand to provide support, advice and enable knowledge sharing between practices and individuals. Having worked in private practice and having high profiles in the industry in both education and consulting, our team are dedicated to ensuring our clinicians have a strong clinical support network also.


The Abano Healthcare Australian Clinical Advisory Board (CAB) is an independent committee dedicated to the clinical needs of our group comprised of Maven Dental & 1300Smiles Dentists clinicians. The board is chaired by Dr Campbell Roberts with the support of the Maven Dental senior management team.

The CAB acts as a collaborative body for our partnering clinicians to provide meaningful input and contribution toward the direction of our group and the industry as a whole.


Maven has a dedicated Health and Safety Team who ensure we have policies and processes in place so that our Clinician Partners understand their obligations and responsibilities when it comes to health, safety and infection control. This includes partnering with our clinical team to ensure our adherence to evolving COVID-19 requirements.


Maven Dental has engaged with several preferred partners including suppliers and laboratories to secure a best price for the purchase of regularly used items and laboratory services. These agreements result in reduced costs and increased profitability for our clinician partners.

All preferred Maven Dental suppliers and labs are TGA compliant and selected by our Clinical Director and endorsed by the CAB, therefore ensuring compliance to changing Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods.


Maven Dental is committed to creating safe work environments where all clinician partners and team members feel cared for, respected and set up for success.

Maven Dental supports our clinician partners to keep up to date with the changing legislation by providing you with access to our policies and training modules.

Meet The CAB Members